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Welcome !

This site was created to allow experience and information exchange among different specialists and scientists working "around" BIO and INFO research fields
All comments and suggestions are welcome (see contact). Magdalena


There will be two main sections on this site. First - all bio problems, but solved with computer science methods and algorithms. Second - all today's computer science problems which were inspired in biologu or nature. This site should be usefull for all who wants to conduct an interdisciplinary researches, who is looking for sources or - at the end - is looking for cooperation. This site is under construction, if it will be necessary will be transferred to site based on CMS.

Bio, but info powered ...

All biological problems where a computer science, its methods and algorithms helped in obtaining usefull results or - solved the problem.

Info, but bio inspired ...

information bits

In this section all problems with root in biology and nature will be descripted: bionics, biomimetics, artificial life, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks....

Latest news

April 14, 2006:

February 10, 2007:
Still under construction ...